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Veterans Job Training

Education and Training

Overview of VA Education Benefits

VA benefits provide on-the-job training and apprenticeship support through programs that typically involve a training contract with an employer or union for a specific period of time. Use VA’s Comparison Tool to locate training or apprenticeships in your state.

When using this benefit, Veterans are employed and receive salary from the employer or union during training. As your skills increase, so may your salary. At the end of the VA-supported training period, Veterans receive a job certification or journeyman status.

How to Apply

  • Apply Online

    The fastest and easiest way to get access to your benefits is to apply using your computer or mobile device.

  • Apply In Person

    Visit the nearest VA benefits office.

  • Apply at School

    Consult with your School Certifying Official, who can help you apply.

  • Apply By Mail

    Call 888-442-4551 to have the application mailed to you.


Some benefits may also be used by active service members, reservists, and National Guard members as well as eligible spouses, children, and survivors of Veterans and service members. Consult the VA benefits booklet or visit the nearest VA regional office for character of discharge requirements and more detailed information.

Page last updated on July 22, 2021


An official website of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

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